Monday, April 6, 2009

It's Opening Day!

... and it's snowing in Chicago, causing postponement of the Sox' opener until tomorrow. Cubs are still playing at Houston tonight!


An Ode to Opening Day

Ah, April in Chicago
Oh, the thrill of op'ning day!
(Let's overlook the weather
And the White Sox snow delay.)
It's April in Chicago
And the season starts anew
So what if we've got wind and sleet
Instead of springtime dew?
It's baseball, not just daffodils,
That tells us spring is here
It's Guillen and Piniella
It's the peanuts and the beer.
From Wrigley to Comiskey—
Oops, I mean to say The Cell—
Our hopes will come to life again
We'll shed our winter shell.
Yes, baseball's back, at last, at last
To bat away the blues
The games arrive like sunshine
Blagojevich indicted!
The economy's a mess!
Plus parking, potholes, crooks and crimes!
We need some anti-stress!
And so we turn to baseball
Seeking solace from the team
Yeah, yeah, they blew it last time
But it's April, we can dream.
Konerko's gonna kill this year
And Cub fans, please take note:
In April there's no need to think
About the bleepin' goat.
Obama's in the White House
He's Chicago's biggest fan
A trip to the World Series?
Si se puede! Yes we can!
If history tells our fortune
We will feel like fools by fall
But never mind the future, folks,
It's April. Let's play ball.

-Mary Schmich, Chicago Tribune


Michael O'Connell said...

I miss having a baseball team. :(

KC Ryan said...

There's not even a Triple A team in Sacramento, is there?

In Buffalo we had the Bisons,and they were a big deal - nice stadium downtown (2 blocks from my office!) and a good team (league champions over and over).

Chicago has, naturally, the Cubs and the Sox, but we also have the Schaumburg Flyers, the Kane CCougars, the Joliet Jackhammers, and two or three other AAA and AA level ball clubs. All nice places to hang out in the summer.

Michael O'Connell said...

I did misspeak. We don't have an MLB team. We do have a AAA team in the River Cats. I tend to forget about them, so have yet to try taking in a game. And I see that opening day is this Thursday. Maybe this time I'll finally get out and check them out...